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Communications aéroportuaires en anglais selon règlementation EASA

Secteur concerné :  Airports

Durée de la formation : 2 jours

Lieu de la formation : Belgique / Etranger sur demande

Contact :


Communication Tour – Flight deck.


Communication au sein d’un aéroport.

Public cible et/ou pré-requis


Voir procédures client “Framework for a Radiotelephony (RTF) Training Programme ” The movement of vehicles on the manœuvring area is subject to authorisation by ATC. Depending upon the complexity of the aerodrome, ATC may operate a number of frequencies. Typically the aerodrome (tower) controller will be responsible for all vehicles operating on the runway, and the ground controller will be responsible for all vehicles operating on the taxiways. It is essential to fit all vehicles that operate on the runway with the appropriate radio communication frequencies. All drivers of vehicles operating on the manœuvring area should be expected to display a high degree of competence with respect to use of RTF phraseology and aviation English. Hierarchy of Message Priority

X message priorities, understanding of distress, alerting, control, information messages

Use of the Phonetic Alphabet

X correct pronunciation of both letters, words and numbers

Use of Standard Phraseology

X emphasis on drivers using standard phraseology similar to pilots
X  caution should be noted with certain phrases such as ‘cleared’, and ‘go ahead’

Use of Call Signs for Aircraft, ATC and Vehicles

X understanding of terminology and acronyms used by ATC and pilots
O knowledge of the airline call signs used at the aerodrome
X vehicle call signs should be appropriate to function e.g. ‘Operations’, ‘Fire’, ‘Engineer’, where there is more than one vehicle the use of numbers e.g. ‘Fire 2’

Use of Read back Procedures

X vehicle drivers should use standard read back in the same manner as pilots for instructions such as ‘enter/cross the runway’.

Readability Scale

X understanding and use of the readability scale from 1 to 5

Lost or Uncertain of Position

X understanding of local procedures for vehicles lost or uncertain of position on the manœuvring area

Vehicle Breakdown

? local procedure for vehicle breakdown on runways and taxiways
X procedure for indicating to ATC of vehicle failure

Radio Fail Procedure

X understanding of the local procedure if radio failure occurs whilst on the runway or taxiway
X understanding of the light signals that may be used by ATC to pass instructions to vehicles

Correct Transmitting Technique and RTF Use

X understand the reasons for listening out prior to transmitting
X use of standard phraseology, aviation English,
X words and sounds to be avoided
X correct positioning of microphones to avoid voice distortion
X avoidance of ‘clipped’ transmissions
X be aware of regional accents and variations of speech
X speed of delivery of RTF phraseology

Use of Portable Radios

+ correct use of radios
+ effective range and battery life
X screening/shielding effects on the aerodrome
? use of correct call signs, either related to vehicle or an individual person

Safety whilst using Radios

? local instructions regarding use of portable radios and hand held microphones whilst driving a vehicle
? local instructions on the use of mobile telephones (cell phone) whilst operating airside

  The three training frameworks shown above are intended as generic guidance and each aerodrome will need to apply those areas of training that are applicable to their local geography, conditions and type of operation. All of the three training programmes should consist of two main parts, the first being the classroom/theoretical part which should include the use of prepared presentations, maps, diagrams, video, booklets, checklists as appropriate. The second part should involve practical tuition and visual familiarisation on the aerodrome with a suitably trained person. This practical tuition will take a period of time depending upon the complexity of the aerodrome. Following initial training, a programme of refresher training should be organised after an agreed period of time. Where responsibility for vehicle driver training (apron and manœuvring area) and RTF is delegated to a third party provider the aerodrome should institute a programme of audits, as part of its SMS, to ensure that agree standards are being maintained. The above frameworks are intended only as a guide are based on current ‘good practice’. It is incumbent on aerodromes to regularly review their vehicle driver training programmes against programmes and documentation available across the industry.       References 1) Airports Council International  ACI (World) Apron Safety Handbook 2) ACI (World) Apron Signs and Markings Handbook 3) IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) current edition 4) UK Civil Aviation Authority CAP 642 – Airside Safety Management 5) UK Airport Operators Association – Airside Driver Training Scheme 6) ICAO Annex 14, ch. 8, Aerodrome Vehicle Operations, and attachment A, para. 17 – Operators of vehicles 7) ICAO Air Traffic Management (PANS ATM) ch. 7 Procedures for Aerodrome Control  

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